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The Nature of Love

A Theology

Thomas Jay Oord

210 pages
Chalice Press
God is love. Consequently, shouldn’t love exist at the center of Christian theology? When love is at the center, theology is understood differently than it has typically been understood. Some theologians have placed faith at the center, others God’s sovereignty, still others-the Church, but Dr. Oord places the emphasis on love. God’s love for us, revealed in Christ, in the Church, and in creation, and our love for God and others as ourselves—must be afforded its rightful place. Beginning with the foundation of “love” is what differentiates the Christian faith from others…a loving God. Dr. Oord defines love as: “To love is to act intentionally, in sympathetic/empathetic response to God and others, to promote overall well-being.” Is this not what has defined Christians throughout history?
Author Bio
Thomas Jay Oord is a professor at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho. He is a theologian, philosopher, scholar of multidisciplinary studies, and the author or editor of a dozen books.