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Nine Ways to Live the Good News Now

Chris Altrock

176 pages
Christian Board of Publication

Jesus doesn't want you in heaven. Jesus needs you here on earth.

Millions want nothing to do with the church or Christianity. Newsworthy provides a simple solution: The Gospel. Chris Altrock traces Jesus' life from manger through resurrection and Pentecost, teaching you to contribute to your community's earthly here-and-now rather than focusing solely on its heavenly hereafter. Gain trust with your community by taking risks and tackling hard issues such as racism, gender roles, and ageism together, rather than protecting yourself and withdrawing. As Jesus risked all on the cross, be inspired to take great risks for great causes, knowing nothing can be broken that cannot be rebuilt by the resurrection.

Author Bio
Chris Altrock is a preaching minister at the Highland Street Church of Christ in Memphis, Tennessee. He is the author of Preaching to Pluralists: How to Proclaim Christ in a Postmodern Age, Rebuilding Relationships: A Sermon on the Mount Floor Plan, and Ten-Minute Transformation.