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Colour in Peace Postcards

James Newman Grey

20 pages
SPCK Group
Colouring in has been shown to be beneficial for all - namely for its de-stressing power. It slows down breathing, promotes a relaxed state, and also counters feelings of anxiety. Colour in Peace Postcards is a collection of 20 detachable postcards, with messages of peace, to colour in and send to your friends - or to keep and pin on your wall. Using popular images taken from the book Colour in Peace: A Reflective Journey illustrated by James Newman Grey, Lion Books.
Author Bio
James Newman Gray is an exceptionally talented illustrator. He specialised in Illustration at Wolverhampton University and has had a successful career working in greetings cards, where his ability to change styles has been very useful - varying from contemporary designs and characters, to hand lettering, cute characters and detailed line-work. James has now brought his talents to children's book illustration, where his adorable creations really bring the pages to life. He is a self-proclaimed cat person and collects vintage synthesizers.