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A Higher Call

Life Radically Reimagined Through the Sermon on the Mount

252 pages
SPCK Group

The Sermon on the Mount is one of Jesus’ most famous teachings, but too often we can make the mistake of missing its revolutionary potential.

Above and beyond a series of sermons about improving morality on an individual level, well-known speaker and teacher Rev Malcolm Duncan argues in A Higher Call that this evocative teaching provides a template for bringing hope and justice to whole communities.

Reclaiming the Good News of the Sermon on the Mount in A Higher Call, Duncan uncovers the transformative potential for our lives, our churches and the role of Jesus-followers in wider society.

Author Bio
Malcolm Duncan ==============

Rev Malcolm Duncan F.R.S.A. is Lead Pastor at Dundonald Elim Church,a Pentecostal church located in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Malcolm is the author of Amazon bestselling #Niteblessings and itsfollow-up More #Niteblessings. He is the Chair of Elim'sEthics and Public Theology Task Force and Theologian-in-Residence for Spring Harvest and Essential Christian. Malcolm regularly helps the British government and other groups to understand the role of church in society. He is deeply committed to serving the poor and excluded. Malcolm is apassionate communicator and he has regularly written, broadcast, taughtand lectured on the themes of mission and Christian engagement with society.