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Barefoot Ways

Stephen Cherry

132 pages
SPCK Group

'Like the Psalms in honesty and depth, these are poems that can help us pray, and prayers that can awaken us to the poetry in everyday life.'
Dame Laurentia Johns

From the introduction:

'Barefoot Ways offers the reader a poetic, prayerful meditation for every day of December and January. It connects with the spiritual themes of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany and takes the reader from the first days of a new Christian year to the feast of Candlemas on February 2nd. These three great Christian seasons are divided into thematic areas, each of which is given a brief introduction. . . The distance from Advent to Candlemas is considerable, and there are many ways across its fearful and fascinating terrain. I offer here some ‘barefoot’ ways – by which I mean ways that are both down to earth and yet full of spiritual aspiration and hope.'

Author Bio
Stephen Cherry is Dean of King’s College, Cambridge, and was before that a Residentiary Canon of Durham Cathedral. His previous books include Healing Agony (Continuum 2012) Barefoot Disciple (Continuum 2010) and Barefoot Prayers (SPCK 2013).