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Healing Wounded History

Reconciling Peoples And Healing Places

Russ Parker

224 pages
SPCK Group
An exciting presentation of a fresh approach to healing by one of the UK's leading exponents of pastoral care and Christian healing Russ Parker explores the power of wounded group stories and reveals how they affect the people and places where they first occurred. He shows how history repeats itself until we find ways to listen to it, locate where it is happening, and find healing for its consequences. Healing Wounded History introduces the role of strategic prayer known as 'representional confession' and demonstrates how it makes reconciliation and renewal possible for families, churches, communities, tribes and nations.
Author Bio
The Rev Dr Russ Parker has been director of Acorn Christian Healing Foundation since 1995. He has a post graduate degree in Phenomenology and Theology from Nottingham University, and was awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree from Columbia Evangelical Seminary in the USA in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Christian ministry. His many publications include Forgiveness is Healing SPCK, 2011.