Aparna Ramasubramanian Carol L Shields
360 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Retinoblastoma is a rare type of cancer of the eye, often developing in early childhood, that affects the retina, the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye that detects light and colour. This book is a step by step guide to all aspects of retinoblastoma. Beginning with sections on epidemiology, pathogenesis, genetics, clinical features, staging and diagnosis, the text then discusses different treatment therapies – chemotherapy and radiation. The final section explores supportive care including visual rehabilitation and psycho-social aspects, and future trends. With contributions from nearly 70 experts throughout the USA, Europe and Asia, this book contains 350 illustrative images and photographs. An appendix including chemotherapy regimens with appropriate dosage for children has been provided for quick reference.
Author Bio
Aparna RamasubramanianMD
Ophthalmology Resident, Eugene & Marilyn Glick Eye Institute, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Carol L Shields MD
Co-Director, Oncology Service, Wills Eye Institute; Professor of Ophthalmology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA