Release a Vanished Self
Poets on Language & Loss
Jennifer Minniti-Shippey
Mcsweeney's Literary Arts Fund
What happens to language in a time of crisis? How does the language of memory, language of loss, language of witness change us? How are those languages changed by us? Poets and writers from around the globe provide memoirs, reflections, dreams, tales, and moving personal accounts of the various ways history, politics and personal loss influence how we speak to each other and to ourselves.Author Bio
Jennifer Minniti- Shippey is the Managing Editor of Poetry International literary journal, Director of Poetic Youth, and a professor at San Diego State University.
She earned her B.A. with honors in English from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in 2003, and her M.F.A in Creative Writing- Poetry from San Diego State University in 2008. In 2009, she was hired as the Managing Editor of Poetry International, and she has taught at SDSU in the Department of English & Comparative Literature since that time. Jennifer has also taught poetry at the University of San Diego and in community writing workshops through the Creative Cusp, the Magee Park Poets, and other San Diego arts organizations.
Jennifer’s chapbook, Done Dating DJs, won the 2008 Fool for Poetry Competition, sponsored by the Munster Literature Centre and Southword Editions of Cork, Ireland. Her second chapbook, Earth’s Horses & Boys, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2013. After the Tour, her first full-length collection, was published by Calypso Editions in 2018. Individual poems, translations, and reviews have appeared in Salamander, Cider Press Review, Spillway, Tar River Poetry, Jackson Hole Review, San Diego Poetry Annual, The San Diego Union-Tribune, and many others.
Minniti- Shippey has performed her work at national and international venues, including The Narrators San Diego, the San Diego Art Institute, the Éigse Literary Festival in Cork, and MART Dublin.