Game Changers: The World's Leading Entrepreneurs
How They're Changing the Game and You Can Too!
Nick Nanton Clate Mask Scott Martineau Anthony Greco
304 pages
Celebrity Press
Game Changers is a collective MasterMind effort of leading entrepreneurs teaching their latest strategies to help you succeed in this new economy. Whether starting a business from scratch, or realigning your marketing and sales programs for established products and services, this book will teach you fresh and recently tested successful methods you need to know (and pitfalls to avoid). These methods are as different from those used by the baby boomer generation as the abacus is from the computer.Author Bio
Game-changing leading entrepreneur contributors include:Fletcher M. Johnson, Jr., Esq.; C. Richard Triola; Thomas W. Clark, MS, MD, FACS; Mike Chaet, Ph.D.; Stephen Lundin, Ph.D., Robert Reedy, M.F.A., Jennifer Bryden, William Benner, Lindsay Dicks; Martha Fouts; Clate Mask; Scott Martineau; Christopher J. Colloca, D.C.; Joseph Lam; J. W. Dicks, Esq.; Nick Nanton, Esq.; Tony Greco; Alec Day; Clifford Jones; Brewa Kennedy; Courtney Barnette; Dr. Scott Schumann; Amy Remmele; Anolia Facun; Chuck Oliver; Paul Davey; Genevieve M. Lynott, Esq.; Chuck Boyce; Pam Moore; Garrett J. White; Dr. Arif Balagam; Daniel R. McCabe; John Bejarano; Phil Bennett; and Justin C. Carter.