Sabbath and Jubilee
Richard H. Lowery
176 pages
Chalice Press
Each book in this series provides an in-depth look at a major recurring theme in the Bible and its lasting theological influence. The series is designed to enhance the reader’s understanding of our biblical heritage and its relevance to faithful life today. This book examines the biblical sabbath, sabbath-year, and jubilee traditions as part of a broader effort to reflect theologically on these challenges and points to ways we might build a global ethic of economic and environmental justice.
Author Bio
Rick Lowery is interim Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Lexington Theological Seminary. He is serving LTS ""on loan"" from Phillips Theological Seminary, where is is the Johnnie Eargle Cadieux Professor of Hebrew Bible.An ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Lowery is a former president of the Southwest Region of the Society of Biblical Literature, and is a member of the Disciples Peace Fellowship, Disciples Justice Action Network, Sabbath Economics Collaborative, and Association of Disciples for Theological Discussion.