Pocket Tutor Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Thomas Fox Antonia Brooke Bijay Vaidya Paul Mayhew
280 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Titles in the Pocket Tutor series give practical guidance on subjects that medical students and foundation doctors need help with ‘on the go’, at a highly-affordable price that puts them within reach of those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment.
Topics reflect information needs stemming from today’s integrated undergraduate and foundation courses:
- Common presentations
- Investigation options (e.g. ECG, imaging)
- Clinical and patient-orientated skills (e.g. examinations, history-taking)
The highly-structured, bite-size content helps novices combat the ‘fear factor’ associated with day-to-day clinical training, and provides a detailed resource that students and junior doctors can carry in their pocket.
Key points
- Highly-affordable price and convenient pocket-size format
- Breaks down a subject that students find complex and daunting, using clear images, concise and informative text, and specific management scenarios
- Logical, building-block approach to content: initial chapter on obesity and causes of diabetes, followed by focus on clinical features and management. Subsequent chapters address the complications of diabetes, including their epidemiology and management
- Additional focus on prevention, psychological strategies, tips for motivating patients
- Up-to-date: includes recommendations by the American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2017
Author Bio
Thomas Fox MBBS BSc MRCP
Antonia Brooke MBBS MD MA MRCP
Bijay Vaidya MBBS PhD FRCP
All Consultant Endocrinologists, The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter, UK
Paul Mayhew BSc
Medical Writer, Wellington, NZ