The Yoga Way: Food for Body, Mind & Spirit
240 pages
Integral Yoga Publications
In this new book, Swami Satchidananda and his senior students offer information and guidance on our food choices and their effect on our Yoga practice, lives, and our planet. Swami Satchidananda taught that the manner in which we eat can create a body and mind that is sattvic (pure, balanced, yogic). In addition to proof of the positive effects of a clean, wholesome, plant-based diet on our bodies, minds, and lives, The Yoga Way discusses how to eat for maximum health and vitality. Both new and established vegetarians/ vegans will benefit from information on when to eat, when too fast, the properties of food, as well as a sample 7-day meal plan with recipes. Includes a foreword by Dean Ornish, M.D.
Author Bio
Sri Swami Satchidananda is one the most revered Yoga masters of our time. Founder of the Integral Yoga® Institutes and Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville®, he shared his vast practical wisdom and spiritual insight with seekers worldwide. His message of peace-within and without-and harmony among all faiths is more relevant today than ever before.