Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises
Anoma van der Veere
Florian Schneider
Catherine Lo
Haruko SATOH
Xirui LI
Brendan HOWE
272 pages
Amsterdam University Press
Asian countries have dealt with COVID-19 with varying levels of success. The WHO’s lack of effective leadership in the region has resulted in increasingly contested global health governance. The pandemic continues to undermine global health, and the highly interdependent economies in Asia have exposed the speed with which pandemics can now spread. The security of migrant workers is more precarious than ever. Millions have been stranded and face limited access to health services. Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises provides an accessible framework for understanding the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia through the lens of global governance in health and labour.
Author Bio
Anoma Phichai VAN DER VEERE is Researcher of Modern Asia at the Leiden Asia Centre, Leiden University, and Research Fellow at the IAFOR Research Center at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University. He has published on health and labour policy, sports, and technology in Asia and Europe.
Florian Schneider is Chair Professor of Modern China at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. He is managing editor of Asiascape: Digital Asia and author of numerous books and articles on political communication and media in China.
Catherine Yuk-ping LO is Assistant Professor at University College Maastricht, Maastricht University. Specializing in international relations and global health, her research themes include HIV/AIDS in China and India, infectious disease responses in Northeast and Southeast Asian states, antimicrobial resistance challenges in the Global South and North, and global health diplomacy.
Haruko SATOH is co-director of the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, a member of IAFOR’s Academic Governing Board, and Chair of the Politics, Law & International Relations section of the International Academic Advisory Board. She is a member of the International Advisory Board at the Leiden Asia Centre at Leiden University. She is a Specially Appointed Professor at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), where she teaches about topics including Japan’s relations with Asia and identity in international relations. She was previously part of the MEXT Reinventing Japan project on ‘Peace and Human Security in Asia (PAHSA)’ with six Southeast Asian and four Japanese universities
Kei KOGA is an Assistant Professor at the Public Policy and Global Affairs Programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). His research focuses on international relations theory, International Security, International Institutions, and East Asian security, including the transformation of US-bilateral security networks and ASEAN-led institu_x0002_tions in the Indo-Pacific region. His recent publications include the book Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa (Routledge 2017), ‘Japan’s “Indo-Pacific” Question: Countering China or Shaping a New Regional Order?’, International Affairs (2020), ‘The Concept of “Hedging” Revisited: The Case of Japan’s Foreign Policy Strategy in East Asia’s Power Shift’, International Studies Review (2018), and ‘ASEAN’s Evolving Institutional Strategy: Managing Great Power Politics in South China Sea Disputes’, Chinese Journal of International Politics (2018). His current book project is Managing Great Power Politics: ASEAN, Institutional Strategy, and the South China Sea
Yumi ISHIKAWA is a PhD student at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University. Her interest is primarily in public health. She completed her Master’s at OSIPP and a MSc in Global Health at King’s College London. She has research experience at the WHO headquarters (2017) and WHO country office in Cambodia (UN Volunteer, 2019-2020).
Miki KOHARA is a professor at Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University. Her research field is Labour Economics and Applied Econometrics. She has a special interest in family behaviours of labour supply, consumption and health-preventive-behaviours. She is also interested in the evaluation of health and labour policies
Xue GONG is Assistant Professor at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research interests include international political economy, Asian regionalism and global governance. She has contributed to peer-reviewed journals such as World Development, International Affairs, the Pacific Review, Contemporary Southeast Asia, and Harvard Asia Quarterly. She co-edited Securing the Belt and Road Initiative: Risk Assessment, Private Security and Special Insurances Along the New Wave of Chinese Outbound Investment (Palgrave Macmillan 2018), and has contributed to several book chapters on China’s economic statecraft in Southeast Asia. She has also contributed various Op-Ed articles.
Xirui LI is a PhD student at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University. Her research interests include Global Economic Governance, Regional Integration and Central-Local Relations in China’s International Political Economy. She is the translator of Power and its Logics (Chinese version, Social Science Academic Press (China), 2020) and has contributed several commentaries in The Diplomat.
Brendan HOWE is Dean and Professor of International Relations at Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies, and President of the Asian Political and International Studies Association. His research focuses on traditional and non-traditional security in East Asia, human secu_x0002_rity, comprehensive peacebuilding, middle powers, post-crisis development, and conflict transformation. He has authored, co-authored, or edited more than 90 related publications including The Niche Diplomacy of Asian Middle Powers (Lexington Books, 2021), UN Governance: Peace and Human Security in Cambodia and Timor-Leste (Springer, 2020), Regional Cooperation for Peace and Development (Routledge, 2018), Peacekeeping and the Asia-Pacific(Brill, 2016), Post-Conflict Development in East Asia (Ashgate, 2014), and The Protection and Promotion of Human Security in East Asia (Palgrave, 2013)
Anh Tuyet NGUYEN is a PhD student at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University. Her current research interests are public health, inequality, aging population, Asian studies, and applied econometrics. Her most recent publications include ‘Socio-economic-related Health Inequality in Non-communicable Diseases Among Older People in Viet Nam,’ D.D. Le, R. Leon-Gonzalez, T.L. Giang, and A.T. Nguyen (2020), Ageing & Society, and ‘Factors Associated with Regional Disparity in Utiliza_x0002_tion of Healthcare Services Among Vietnamese Older People,’ A.T. Nguyen and T. Giang (2020), Journal of Population and Social Studies. Previously, she worked as a senior credit assessment officer in the Risk Management Department at a local bank in Vietnam for eight years. This position, at a dynamic financial institution, gave her valuable practical experience about large corporate issues, as well as a deep understanding of the domestic economic industry in Vietnam and other developing countries
Nurliana KAMARUDDIN is Deputy Executive Director (Academic) at the Asia-Europe Institute, Universiti Malaya. She obtained her PhD in International Studies from Ewha Womans University, specializing in Development Cooperation. Her area of research includes international politics and development with a focus on ASEAN and East Asian relations. Kamaruddin was a recipient of the Korea Foundation ASEAN Fellowship (2013-2015), the POSCO TJ Park Foundation Asia Fellowship (2009-2011) and the Ewha Global Partnership Program scholarship (2006-2009). Prior to her appointment as Senior Lecturer at the Asia-Europe Institute (AEI), Nurliana was a Research Assistant at the AEI (2011-2013). Before that, she was a lecturer at the English Language Centre, Stamford College, Selangor (2009). Nurliana is the co-editor of the book ASEAN Post 50: Emerging Issues and Challenges (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).
Zokhri IDRIS has held several academic positions in International Relations (IR) research and teaching, and now is the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs at the Management and Science University (MSU) in Malaysia. He served as a senior faculty member in the Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (FBMP), MSU after completing his industrial attachment at Puncak Niaga Management Services as an assistant manager serving the Strategic Resources and Public Relations Division. His research focuses on the changing nature of diplomacy and sovereignty of developing nations, especially Malaysia. This led him to the establishment of the Eirene Research website, to explore leadership and diplomacy in International Relations. He co-founded ARUS, an avenue to nurture talent and empower Malaysian youth. Currently, he serves the Institute of Democracy and Economic Affairs, Malaysia (IDEAS) as Director of External Relations
Eun Mee KIM is the seventeenth President of Ewha Womans University. She is Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies, Direc_x0002_tor of the Ewha Global Health Institute for Girls and Women, and former Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies, and former Director of the Institute for Development and Human Security at Ewha Womans University. She was appointed by the UN Secretary General in December 2016 to serve as one of the fifteen Independent Group of Scientists working on the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019, which was presented to the UN Secretary General and heads of member states at the UN General Assembly in September 2019.
Jisun SONG is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy. Previously, she worked as Research Professor at the Institute for Development and Human Security of the Ewha Womans University. She received her PhD in International Studies from Ewha Womans University. Her research and publications focuses on international development cooperation, aid effectiveness, foreign aid modalities, global health security, and gender and development.
Mirjam LE works in the field of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Passau, Germany. Her PhD thesis focuses on small town urbanization and the production of urban space in Vietnam. Her research interests involve urbanization and state-society relations in Vietnam, especially processes of self-organization and citizenship.
Franziska Susana NICOLAISEN works as a freelance consultant for political foundations on topics of urbanization and education in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Her Master thesis at the University of Passau, Germany, is on sustainable urban mobility in Vietnam. Her research interests are citizenship, social movements, and urbanization in Vietnam.
Mei-Chun LIU is a Professor at the Institute for Labor Research, School of Social Science, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. She earned her PhD in Sociology at the University of Southern California, US. She is currently chairperson of the Taiwan Public Health Promotion Association, a former chairperson of the Taiwan Higher Education Union and the Taiwan Health Reform Foundation, and a committee member of the New Immigrants Development Fund. Between 2016 and 2020, she served as a member of the Human Rights Committee of the Presidential Office.
Saori SHIBATA, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at Leiden University. Her research focuses on Japan’s political economy, including the changing nature of work, the digital economy, and how Japan’s model of capitalism is transforming. This draws on institutionalist approaches to capitalism and critical political economy. She has published on these topics in journals such as New Political Economy and British Journal of Political Science. She is the author of Contesting Precarity in Japan: The Rise of Nonregular Workers and the New Policy Dissensus (Cornell University Press, 2020)
Sylvia YAZID is currently an Associate Professor at the International Relations Department of Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia. She wrote about how Indonesian NGOs have influenced Indonesia’s domestic and foreign policies on migrant workers to obtain her PhD from Monash University, Australia. Following this, Sylvia has continued to work on the issue of labour migration policies. Recently she has expanded her research interests to include the issues of democratization and human rights both in domestic and international contexts