Plastic Surgery Made Easy
860 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Plastic Surgery Made Easy is a highly illustrated guide which explains complex topics in plastic surgery with a simple, visual format.
Compiling a collection of the author’s own experiences over a 40-year career, the third edition has been completely revised and updated to reflect recent advances in this rapidly changing field.
Divided into 15 chapters, the book begins with an introductory chapter defining plastic surgery. Each subsequent chapter covers a specific form of surgery, such as skin grafts, muscle flaps, fasciocutaneous flaps and aesthetic surgery.
Many plastic surgery books are extensive and voluminous, the purpose of this guide is to provide a quick and easy reference summarising many common cases.
More than 90 Powerpoint presentations providing additional information have been included with this book, as well as a multitude of full colour images and illustrations.
The informative text will benefit both medical students in search of a straightforward guide, and practising clinicians wishing to keep up to date with progress in the field of plastic surgery.
The previous edition (9789351526803) published in 2015.
Author Bio
Prema Dhanraj BSc MBBS MS (Gen Surg) MCh (Plast Surg) PDFBR (USA) FIMSA FRCS (Glasg) DD (Honoris Causa)
Founder and Director, Agni Raksha; Former Professor and Head, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore; Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India