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Principles & Interpretation of Laboratory Practices in Surgical Pathology

Shameem Shariff

510 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd

This new edition is a practical guide to all laboratory procedures in surgical pathology, covering both diagnostic and research aspects.

Divided into 22 sections, topics include routine and special staining procedures, microtomy, biopsies, cyto- and histopathology, molecular techniques, telepathology, and much more.

Each procedure is presented in a step by step format, explaining its principles, methodology and troubleshooting.

The second edition has been fully revised to provide clinicians with the most recent advances in the field. Chapters on automation in pathology, museum techniques, and autopsy techniques, are new to this edition.

A selection of colour microphotographs and other images further enhance the comprehensive text.

Key points

  • Practical guide to laboratory procedures in surgical pathology
  • Fully revised, second edition featuring new topics and latest advances
  • Includes colour microphotographs and other images
  • Previous edition (9789352500246) published in 2016
Author Bio

Shameem Shariff MD PhD
Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, MVJ Medical College & Research Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India