Case-based Reviews in Pediatric Emergencies
Suraj Gupte
350 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of paediatric emergencies.
Divided into fourteen sections, the text covers emergency scenarios in all major systems of the body, from the heart and lungs, to the endocrine and neurological systems, and much more.
Each section features several cases presented in a step by step approach guiding clinicians through signs and symptoms, investigation, diagnosis and treatment. Each case concludes with questions and answers to enhance learning.
Acute illnesses such as bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis, hypertension, seizures, adrenal crisis, and respiratory distress, are covered in detail.
Each chapter is supplemented with clinical images and ‘key learning points’.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of paediatric emergencies
- Covers emergency scenarios in all systems of the body
- Each chapter concludes with questions and answers
- Clinical images and ‘key learning points’ supplement each topic
Author Bio
Professor and Head, Postgraduate Department of Paediatrics, Mamata Medical College and General and Super Specialty Hospitals, Khammam, Telangana, India