Dissection Manual with Regions & Applied Anatomy
Volume 1: Upper Extremity and Thorax
Mercy Navis
192 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This three volume set is a complete guide to anatomy and dissection for undergraduate medical students.
Volume one (9789386150363) covers the upper extremity and thorax describing in depth each region and its clinical importance.
Volume two (9789386150370) discusses the lower extremity, abdomen, pelvis and perineum, including both male and female reproductive organs.
Volume three (9789386150387) explains the many regions of the head, neck and brain, and how they relate and function.
Authored by a recognised clinician from Life University, Atlanta, each volume features clinical photographs to enhance learning, as well as interactive DVD ROMs demonstrating cadaver dissection procedures.
Key points
- Complete guide to anatomy and dissection for undergraduates
- Three volumes cover upper extremity, thorax, lower extremity, abdomen, pelvis, perineum, head and neck, and brain
- Includes DVD ROMs demonstrating cadaver dissection procedures
- Recognised author from Life University, Atlanta
Author Bio
Mercy Navis MS
Associate Professor of Anatomy, Department of Basic Sciences, Life University, Atlanta, USA