Title Thumbnail

Exercise the Art: Pediatrics Diagnosis through Systematic Clinical Survey

Ravi N Kumar

190 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd

This book is a concise guide to accurate diagnosis of paediatric disorders for trainees.

Divided into ten sections, the first few chapters discuss history taking and physical examination of children and neonates.

The following sections cover symptoms and examination of specific anatomical systems including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and central nervous system.

The final chapters provide case-based discussion, spotter images for quick revision, and corresponding answers.

The useful, step by step text is enhanced by clinical photographs and illustrations.

Key points

  • Concise guide to accurate diagnosis of paediatric disorders for trainees
  • Provides guidance on history taking and physical examination
  • Covers symptoms and examination of specific body systems
  • Complete chapter presents spotter images and answers for quick revision
Author Bio

N Ravi Kumar FIAP
Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Osmania Medical College, Niloufer Institute of Child Health for Women and Children, Hyderabad, India