Step by Step: Management of Clubfoot by Ponseti Technique
230 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Author Bio
RA Agrawal MS (Orthopaedics) AO/ASIF (Germany, Austria) Ilizarov (Russia)
Director, Agrawal Orthopaedic Hospital, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India; Past President, ASAMI, India
Sureshwar Pandey MS (Surgery, Orthopaedics) FICS FIAMS FAC FAS FACS FNAMS
Ex-Head and Emeritus Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, RMCH, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India; Emeritus President, Indian Foot and Ankle Society
Rajat Agrawal MS (Orthopaedics)
Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon, Agrawal Orthopaedic Hospital, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India; President, ASAMI, India (2023-2025)