Clinics in Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery
Praveen Raj Palanivelu Siddhartha Bhattacharya S Saravana Kumar
262 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Bariatric or weight loss surgery is the reduction of the size of the stomach with a gastric band or through removal of a portion of the stomach, or by resecting and re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch. Metabolic surgery involves weight loss treatments and procedures to treat metabolic diseases, especially, Type 2 diabetes.
This book is a guide to techniques in bariatric and metabolic surgery.
Divided into three sections, the text begins with an explanation of the history of bariatric surgery.
The following section presents 25 clinical cases detailing necessary operative procedures for different disorders, and the final section discusses surgical techniques including sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and stapling technology.
Based on the authors’ own experiences, this quick reference guide is further enhanced by more than 200 surgical images, diagrams and tables.
Key points
- Quick reference guide to procedures in bariatric and metabolic surgery
- Features 25 clinical cases for use of bariatric surgery
- Describes different surgical techniques
- Includes more than 200 surgical images, diagrams and tables
Author Bio
Praveen Raj Palanivelu MS DNB FACS PhD
Head, GEM Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Centre, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Siddhartha Bhattacharya MS DNB FNB MNAMS FMAS FAIS
Consultant Bariatric Surgeon, GEM Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
S Saravana Kumar DNB FMAS
Senior Consultant, GEM Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Centre, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India