Management of Common Gynecological Problems
A Guide for Practitioners
Atul Kakar Samiran Nundy
272 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This book is a guide to the diagnosis and management of gynaecological disorders for clinicians and trainees.
Divided into 22 sections, the text begins with discussion on normal and abnormal puberty, then the physiology and symptoms of menopause.
The following sections cover numerous gynaecological disorders, their symptoms, investigation, diagnosis, and treatment.
The book covers both normal and abnormal symptoms, and offers guidance on when treatment may not be needed if a condition is benign.
The comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical photographs, diagrams and tables.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of common gynaecological conditions
- Covers both normal and abnormal symptoms
- Offer guidance on benign conditions where treatment may not be necessary
- Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables
Author Bio
Atul Kakar
Professor and Senior Consultant and Vice Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine
Samiran Nundy MA MChir FRCS FRCP
Emeritus Consultant, Department of Surgical Gastroenterology & Liver Transplantation, Chief Editor of Current Medicine Research & Practice and Former Dean
Both at The Ganga Ram Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India