Preventive Newborn Health
A Global Approach in the Age of Information
Balaji Govindaswami
504 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This book is a complete guide to neonatal care, covering preventive medicine, and the diagnosis and management of a variety of disorders.
Divided into ten sections, the text begins with an introduction to newborn medicine and the delivery of healthcare services.
The following sections cover normal newborn care, perinatal problems, metabolism and cardiorespiratory disorders, foetal and neonatal brain development, growth and nutrition, and pain, medication and addiction.
The book concludes with a selection of miscellaneous topics including neonatal skin disorders, orthopaedic problems, oxygenation, gastrointestinal disease, and nephrology.
Authored by a highly experienced group of experts led by West Virginia-based Balaji Govindaswami, the comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical illustrations and figures.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to prevention and management of neonatal disorders
- Includes discussion on the impact of addiction on foetal and infant brain structure and function
- Highly experienced author team led by West Virginia-based expert
- Features illustrations and figures to further enhance text
Author Bio
Balaji Govindaswami MBBS MPH FAAP
Professor and Chair, Paediatric Preventative and Addiction Medicine, Marshall University Joan C Edwards School of Medicine; Division Chief, Neonatology and Director, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Hoops Family Children’s Hospital at Cabell Huntington Hospital, West Virginia, USA