Cath-Lab Practicals
Sundeep Mishra
180 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Cath-Lab Practicals is a concise guide to a range of procedures performed in the catheterisation laboratory.
The book is divided into thirteen chapters. Each technique covered includes step by step instructions on the procedure, indications and contraindications, management, and any likely complications. Topics covered include cath-lab operations, angiography, haemodynamics, vascular access and closure, antiplatelets and anticoagulants. Cath-lab equipment and laboratory safety are also reviewed in detail.
Enhanced by 50 illustrations and information tables, Cath-Lab Practicals is a useful guide for cardiologists and cardiac radiographers, in training and in practice.
Key Points
- Concise guide to a range of cath-lab procedures
- Step by step instructions for various techniques
- Reviews required equipment and lab safety
- 50 illustrations and information tables
Author Bio
Sundeep Mishra
Department of Cardiology, AIIMS, Delhi, India