World Clinics: Diabetology - Complications of Diabetes, Volume 2, Number 1
Viswanathan Mohan Ranjit Unnikrishnan
240 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
World Clinics: Diabetology - Complications of Diabetes, Volume 2, Number 1 is the latest issue in the World Clinics Diabetology series, covering recent advances in the understanding of aetiopathogenesis, evaluation, and management of diabetic complications.
This issue is divided into fourteen articles, covering a wide range of topics including diabetes and tuberculosis, diabetic retinopathy, kidney disease, sexual dysfunction, diabetic foot, coronary artery disease, and hypoglycaemia. The final article on diabetic foot provides information on assessment and classification on this particular complication of the disease.
World Clinics: Diabetology - Complications of Diabetes, Volume 2, Number 1 is enhanced by 110 images and illustrations, and each article is followed by a comment from the editors making this an authoritative and up-to-date review of these areas of diabetology.
Key Points
- Latest issue in the World Clinics Diabetology series
- Series also includes Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (9789351520016)
- Fourteen articles on current important topics in diabetology
- Each article is followed by comment from the editors, highlighting important issues
- 110 images and illustrations
Author Bio
Viswanathan Mohan (Editor-in-Chief) MD FRCP PhD DSc FNASc FASC FNA FACP FACE FTWAS
Chairman and Chief Diabetologist, Dr Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, Director and Chief of Diabetes Research, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Ranjit Unnikrishnan (Guest Editor) MD Dip Diab (UK)
Vice Chairman and Consultant Diabetologist, Dr Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre and Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India