FAQs in Diabetes
Rajeev Chawla Aastha Chawla
258 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
FAQs in Diabetes comprehensively covers all aspects of diabetes in a question and answer format.
Divided into 20 chapters, the book begins with an overview of the condition, followed by aetiology and pathogenesis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Further chapters cover screening and diagnosis, incretin and insulin, various patient types, and related conditions including diabetes mellitus, neuropathy, nephropathy, ocular complications, cardiovascular disease and diabetic foot.
The final chapter features discussion on advances in diabetes management, making FAQs in Diabetes an up-to-date resource for students and diabetologists in practice.
Key Points
- Covers all aspects of diabetes in a question and answer format
- Questions and answers on screening and diagnosis, therapies, patient types, and associated conditions
- Final chapter on advances in diabetes management
Author Bio
Rajeev Chawla MD FACP (USA) FRCP (UK)
Senior Consultant Diabetologist, Director, North Delhi Diabetes Centre, New Delhi, India
Aastha Chawla MBBS
Fellow Diabetes, North Delhi Diabetes Centre, New Delhi, India