Case Compendium in Endocrinology
Romesh Khardori Sarita Bajaj Smita Gupta
241 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Case Compendium in Endocrinology is a concise collection of a variety of cases in endocrinology, edited by experts based in India and the United States.
The book is divided into 28 chapters, detailing a broad range of cases, from primary ovarian failure through hyperparathyroidism, to an unusual case of hypoglycaemia. Each case is presented with a case history and relevant data from physical examination and investigations. A differential diagnosis is provided for each case with full explanations, and each case in followed by a short suggested reading list.
Case Compendium in Endocrinology provides up-to-date reviews of current practice and a variety of recommendations for the management of endocrine disorders, including Graves’ disease, hypercalcaemia, Sheehan syndrome, acromegaly and Cushing’s disease. This book is an ideal day-to-day resource for endocrinologists and general physicians.
Key Points
- Collection of endocrinology cases, with case history, data, and differential diagnosis
- Edited by endocrinology experts based in India and the USA
- Recommendations for management of a broad range of endocrine disorders
Author Bio
Romesh Khardori MD PhD FRCP(C) FACP
Professor of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Eastern Virginia Medical School, 825 Fairfax Avenue, Norfolk, VA, USA
Sarita Bajaj MD DM
Consultant Endocrinologist, Director-Professor and Head, Department of Medicine Moti Lal Nehru Medical College, Allahabad, UP, India
Smita Gupta MD
Consultant Endocrinologist, Community Health Network, Indianapolis, IN, USA