Ocular Treatment: Evidence Based
Frederick Hampton Roy Renee Tindall
1268 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This manual is a complete guide to the diagnosis and management of ocular disorders and diseases. Divided into 35 sections, further divided by sub-specialty, the book presents more than 1000 common and uncommon conditions.
Each disorder is systematically arranged in a consistent format, beginning with a brief description, followed by clinical observation, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment. Drug dosage and administration are discussed in depth and each disorder concludes with a bibliography for further reading.
Disorders are listed alphabetically for quick reference, and can be searched either by anatomical region or by classification of the disorder.
Written by internationally recognised Frederick Hampton Roy, and co-author, Renee Tindall, both from Hampton Roy Eyecare, Arkansas; this comprehensive book includes numerous clinical photographs, diagrams and tables, to enhance learning.
Key points
- Guide to diagnosis and management of more than 1000 ocular diseases and disorders
- Disorders listed alphabetically and searchable anatomically or by classification
- Bibliography included for each disorder for further reading
- Authored by internationally recognised US-based specialists
Author Bio
Frederick Hampton Roy MD FACS
Renee Tindall RN
Both at Hampton Roy Eyecare, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA