Manual of Neurosurgery - Two Volume Set
Prakash Narain Tandon Ravi Ramamurthi Pradeep KumarN Jain
1620 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This book is a comprehensive guide to neurosurgery for postgraduate trainees. It compiles the information in Textbook of Neurosurgery, Third Edition, Three Volume Set (also authored by Prakash Narain Tandon and Ravi Ramamurthi), into one single volume.
Divided into seventeen sections, the book covers all the key topics in neurosurgery – diagnostics, congenital malformations, head and spinal injuries, infections, vascular disorders, tumours and much more. Sub-sections within each topic discuss different associated disorders. Neurosurgical techniques for epilepsy and cerebral palsy are also described.
With an extensive and expert author and editor team, this useful manual includes nearly 300 images, illustrations and tables to enhance learning.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to neurosurgery for postgraduates
- Compiles information from authors’ previous three volume set into one volume
- Covers numerous neurosurgical techniques
- Includes nearly 300 images, illustrations and tables
Author Bio
Prakash Narain Tandon MBBS MS FRCS DSc (h.c.) FNA FNASc FASc FTWAS FAMS FRSM
Emeritus Professor of Neurosurgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Ravi Ramamurthi MS FRCS Ed (SN)
Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Dr Achanta Lakshmipathi Neurosurgical Centre, Postgraduate Institute of Neurological Surgery, Voluntary Health Services Hospital, Taramani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Pradeep Kumar Jain N MBBS DNB (Neurosurgery)
Dr Achanta Lakshmipathi Neurosurgical Centre, Postgraduate Institute of Neurological Surgery, Voluntary Health Services Hospital, Taramani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India