Textbook of Perinatal Medicine
2 Volume Set
Asim Kurjak Frank A Chervenak
2314 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This two volume set is a comprehensive guide to perinatal medicine for practicing gynaecologists. Divided into 20 sections, it begins with Neonatology, followed by Ethical and Legal issues, Ultrasound, Physiology, Early Pregnancy, Intrauterine Growth, and Infectious Disease amongst other topics.
Contributions from multidisciplinary experts guide physicians through the developments in diagnosis and treatment of the mother, foetus and neonate, improving the quality of life and long-term outcomes of patients.
All recent developments are presented with recommendations for safe and effective diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in both maternal-foetal medicine and neonatology, making the Textbook of Perinatal Medicine an indispensable resource for obstetricians and gynaecologists.
Key Points
- Comprehensive guide to key topics and advances in perinatal medicine
- Provides recommendations for safe and effective diagnosis and treatment
- Internationally recognised editor and author team
- Highly illustrated with full colour images and tables throughout
Author Bio
Asim Kurjak MD PhD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical School University of Zagreb, Sveti Duh Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Health Science, Dubrovnik International University, Dubrovnik, Croatia