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Jaypee's Video Atlas of Operative Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery

Bachi T Hathiram Vicky S Khattar

50 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd

This video atlas presents trainee ENT surgeons with the latest techniques in their field. It is divided into five sections, each covering a different area of the head and neck – Otology and Lateral Skullbase Surgery, Rhinology and Anterior Skullbase Surgery, Facial Plastics, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Voice and Laryngotracheal Surgery, and Head and Neck Surgery.

Each section comprises videos of different surgical procedures for the area of the head and neck in question. The techniques demonstrated are both routine operations and the most recent advances including robotics, endoscopic skullbase surgery, and sialoendoscopy (salivary glands).

Procedures are presented with a step by step approach, from preparation and incision, through to reconstruction, postoperative management and complications.

Key points

  • Video atlas presenting trainee ENT surgeons with latest techniques in otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery
  • Divided into five sections, each covering a different area of the head and neck
  • Demonstrates routine operations and latest advances in techniques
  • Each procedure presented with step by step approach
Author Bio

Bachi T Hathiram MD
Professor and Head

Vicky S Khattar MD
Assistant Professor

Both at Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Topiwala National Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India