Basic Science of Spinal Diseases
Alok D Sharan Simon Y Tang Alexander R Vaccaro
300 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This book is a comprehensive guide to the basic science of spinal diseases for trainees and clinicians. Divided into four sections, the authors begin with detailed discussion on the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the intervertebral disc. The following sections examine the science of spinal instrumentation and spinal interventions.
Clinical chapters are structured in a uniform format, beginning with the presentation of a clinical case, followed by detailed discussion and supporting evidence. Each case ends with challenging questions to direct further investigation.
This book is a highly useful compilation of research work from recognised surgeons from the USA and The Netherlands, specialising in the fields of physiology, biology, biomechanics and mechanobiology.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to the basic science of spinal diseases
- Based on research work of specialists in physiology, biology, biomechanics and mechanobiology
- US and Dutch author and editor team
- Includes nearly 240 full colour images and illustrations
Author Bio
Alok D Sharan MD
Chief, Orthopedic Spine Service, Montefiore Medical Center; Assistant Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA
Simon Y Tang PhD
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Washington University, St Louis; Musculoskeletal Research Center, St Louis, Missouri, USA
Alexander R Vaccaro MD PhD
Thomas Jefferson University and the Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA