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High Resolution Computed Tomography of the Lungs: A Practical Guide

D Karthikeyan

276 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd

High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is one of the most effective diagnostic tests for detecting lung diseases.

This practical manual presents numerous HRCT images with detailed descriptions to help radiology trainees recognise and diagnose the appearance and distribution patterns of different lung diseases.

Beginning with an introduction to HRCT, lung anatomy and an overview of lung disease, the following sections describe different pulmonary conditions, organised in an easy to follow format, with tables and ‘key points boxes’ for quick reference.

This fully revised second edition includes 75 practice cases and more than 500 radiographic images and illustrations.  


Key points

  • Practical guide to diagnosis of lung diseases using high resolution computed tomography (HRCT)
  • Easy to follow format, with more than 500 radiographic images, illustrations, tables and key points boxes
  • Includes 75 practice cases for self assessment
  • Previous edition published in 2004
Author Bio

D Karthikeyan DMRD DNB
Senior Consultant Radiologist, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India