Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
A Parthasarathy
163 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This atlas presents more than 400 full colour photographs and illustrations enabling clinicians to recognise, understand, diagnose and manage clinical problems caused by infectious diseases in children.
Divided into twelve sections, by area within the body, each chapter looks at a different disorder within that area. Each infection is illustrated with clinical photographs and detailed descriptions of its clinical features and management.
The first section is dedicated to infections in neonates, covering superficial, systemic and congenital disorders. Separate chapters cover infections requiring surgical care and infections in the immunocompromised child.
Key points
- Atlas of more than 400 colour photographs illustrating infectious diseases in children
- Twelve sections covering each area of the body and numerous infections that may occur
- Separate sections dedicated to infections in neonates, immunocompromised children and disorders requiring surgical care
Author Bio
A Parthasarathy MD
Distinguished Professor, The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University; Retired Senior Clinical Professor of Paediatrics, Madras Medical College; Deputy Superintendent, Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India