Partha's Fundamentals of Pediatrics
A Parthasarathy
808 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
The second edition of Partha’s Fundamentals of Pediatrics has been thoroughly revised to bring trainees and physicians fully up to date with the latest developments and rapidly changing concepts in the field of paediatrics.
Beginning with an introduction to physical examination, newborn care, growth and development, and immunisation, the following chapters describe different disciplines within paediatrics including – cardiology, neurology, pulmonology and endocrinology. Adolescent health, allergies, learning disabilities, skin diseases and child abuse are also discussed. The final sections examine radiology and imaging, drug therapy and surgical procedures.
Enhanced with 560 images, illustrations and tables, this comprehensive guide helps with recognition, diagnosis and management of numerous paediatric disorders, with an emphasis on prevention, as well as treatment.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to complete field of paediatrics
- New edition fully revised with latest developments and concepts
- Emphasis on prevention as well as management of numerous disorders
- Includes 560 full colour images, illustrations and tables
- Previous edition published in 2008
Author Bio
A Parthasarathy MD
Distinguished Professor of Paediatrics, The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, Guindy, Chennai; Retired Senior Clinical Professor of Paediatrics, Madras Medical College, Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children, Chennai, India