Best Aid to Ophthalmology
Pramod TK
496 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Best Aid to Ophthalmology is a revision aid for students to help them prepare for ophthalmology examinations. Presented in an easy to read, question and answer format, the book begins with anatomy and physiology of the eye. The following chapters present numerous ocular diseases and disorders.
More than 300 tables, flow charts and diagrams are included to assist understanding and memorisation of concepts.
Key points
- Practical revision aid for students
- Easy to read, question and answer format
- Covers many ocular diseases and disorders
- Includes numerous tables, flow charts and diagrams
Author Bio
Pramod TK MBBS
Research Scholar, Center for Arrhythmia Research, Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, USA