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Vitreoretinal Surgery

Sandeep Saxena Carsten H Meyer Masahito Ohji Levent Akduman

456 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd

A comprehensive guide to vitreoretinal surgery, beginning with an introduction to the principles and techniques of vitrectomy, then discusses retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, macular surgery, trauma and endophthalmitis. A separate chapter is dedicated to paediatric vitreoretinal surgery. Contributions from international specialists, and almost 400 images and illustrations including schematic drawings, clinical photographs, fluorescein angiograms and OCT images.

Author Bio

Sandeep Saxena MS
Professor and In-charge Retina Service, CSM Medical University, Lucknow, India

Carsten H Meyer MD
Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, Pallas Klinik, Olten, Switzerland

Masahito Ohji MD
Professor and Chairman, Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan

Levent Akduman MD
Associate Professor, Saint Louis University Eye Institute, Saint Louis University, USA