Ptosis Surgery
Arnab Biswas
256 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Ptosis is the abnormally low position of the upper eye lid, sometimes known as "lazy eye". If left untreated in infants it can impair the development of vision, and in adults it may be an indicator of muscle weakness, endocrine disease, cancer or poisoning. This comprehensive text and atlas offers ophthalmologists in practise and in training complete coverage of the causes, diagnosis, evaluation and surgical interventions available to remedy this condition. Presented in ten chapters from anatomy and differential diagnoses to surgical interventions, this book shows the latest surgical techniques firstly through line drawings before moving to clinical photographs of the techniques. The book also covers the surgical management of other associated conditions i.e. telecanthus, epicanthus, and ectropion that may need to be managed in conjunction with Ptosis and contains an invaluable list of drugs reported to induce Ptosis and syndromes and diseases associated with the condition.