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Step by Step: Corneal Gluing

Rasik B Vajpayee Jacqueline Beltz Vishal Jhanji

104 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
- This book presents a comprehensive and authoritative
coverage of the new technique which quickly and
efficiently resolves one of the most dangerous situations
of a perforated eye in ophthalmology. Before the advent
of the cyanoacrylate glues, there were no simple
methods to treat corneal perforations
- Concisely reviews the fundamental concepts
concerning the clinical use of glue for corneal
- Gives a clear and specific, step-by-step indications of
when and how to apply glue and two alternative methods
for applying it in different situations
- An invaluable source of instructions for the trainee
ophthalmologists to treat perforated corneal ulcer.