Jaypee's Review of Orthopaedics
Nadeem Ashraf
466 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
A full fledged and complete guide to prepare for PG entrance examination in Orthopaedics, explains how knowing a subject is different from explaining and clinically applying the procedures in treatment of patients- This book is especially designed for PG aspiring students as well as interns and residents to appear at the examination with confidence
- This book of MCQs is prepared with explanatory notes and precise explanation of intricate aspects of many topics with references to standard textbooks for an easy understanding and assimilation
- It will assist to clear confusions and enhance the understanding in a straightforward manner
- Includes details about subspecialties like arthroplasty, arthroscopy, hand surgery, sports medicine, orthopaedic, oncology, etc. to know answers comfortably and confidently for securing sure success.