Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series: Neck Dissections
246 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
- Intended to provide the readers with a comprehensive and real life step-by-step scenario in neck surgery.- We all come to encounter the disease in advanced stage where are face resource constraints in investigations and managing the cases. This book is an excellent handbook which has been customized to help counter all the constraints.
- The step-by-step reelection of chapters has made the book an easy reading.
- The elaborate description of staging, panning and execution of therapeutic modality are based on contemporary surgical principles.
- Includes vivid illustrations, booth drawings and pictures taken during operations, will immensely help the postgraduate students and the practicing surgery well.
- The atlas includes figures that would cover up all aspects of neck dissections and are live form various surgeries performed by the author over a period of time.
- Beneficial for all postgraduate and undergraduate students, general surgeons, head and neck surgeons and practising surgeons with interest in the field of surgical oncology.