Step by Step: Active Management of Labor
Sudhir R Shah Beena N Trivedi Manish R Pandya Dipal D Solanki
72 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
- Management of labor is the term used for all the procedures done to help the pregnant woman, once she starts labor pains and till she delivers the newborns.- Active management of labor is the need of the present era in the field of obstetrics. Undue prolong labor causes fetal, maternal and obstetricians distress. Fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality can be reduced to a great level by managing the labor in most scientific way, instead of non-active watchful expectancy.
- A ready reference book presenting author's 25 years experience on the subject of 'active management of labor'
- Covers all aspects of labor and its effective management.
- focuses on 'How to have an easy vaginal delivery for primigravida."
- Contains 13 chapters in all consisting of the basics and standards conduction of normal labor, assisted vaginal delivery, obstetric forceps and vaccum, epidural analgesia in labor, caesarean section, active management of third stage of labor, etc.