Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology - 2
Jyoti Sinha Nirmala Saxena
302 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This well-compiled guide in obstetrics and gynecology contains a richtext to deal with infections, kala-azar, obstructed labor, cancer
screening and most recent advances made in stem cells. It discusses
about the role of safe antibiotics and safe drugs for pregnant women
A group of distinguished experts have contributed to share their
evidence-based and updated information on potential areas of
controversial situations with reference to obstetrics and gynecology
The practicing doctors would evince interest to understand
management of retained placenta and uterine inversion at primary,
secondary and tertiary centers, as well as updates in gynecology on
laparoscopic versus conventional radical hysterectomy. Various
aspects of ovarian malignancies will be highly informative
In an imperfect world where a fool proof good evidence is lacking,
medicolegal awareness has to be sound, therefore, the topics on genetic
counseling, stem cell and therapeutic advantages shall be immensely
educative and stimulating for practicing gynecologists
The masters in this field discuss to deal with awkward and unusual
conditions/situations while providing a comprehensive guidance on the
latest developments with new research and innovations that have
revolutionized practice and concepts that one encounters in clinical
situations in obstetrics, high risk pregnancies and gynecologic
oncology. It helps to gain clarity and in-depth knowledge on complex
topics as well