Current Concepts in Contraception and Women's Health
Anjali Tempe Leena Wadhwa Swaraj Batra
306 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
- The book has been divided into four sections. The first section deals with the demographic patterns related to family welfare.The second section deals with contraception describing the basic and current practices in intranteine contraception device, combined oral contraceptives, progesterone only pill, injectables, implants, emergency contraception, permanent methods in male and female including no scalpel vasectomy and recent advances.
- The third section focuses on current health issues and various program for women. Includes chapters on national rural health mission, maternal health and women empowerment, reproductive and child health, adolescent health, bone health in women.
- Incorporates guidelines regarding medical termination of pregnancy, sterilization, reproductive tract infections, prevention of parent-to-child transmission, prenatal diagnostic techniques act and assisted reproductive technology.
- The fourth section deals with biostatistics describing basics of medical statistics applicable to any research methodology. It is immensely useful to everyone for the analysis of the scientific data.