Step by Step: Clinical Exodontics: Extractions of Teeth including Impactions
Pramod Bansi Mathur Sanjay Bansi Mathur Manisha Mathur
320 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
If making of the denture is the butter for the dentist then extraction of teeth is the bread.Contains all what is required before, during and after the extraction of teeth, including deciduous teeth, complicated extractions, broken root pieces, root remnants, and details of extractions/odontectomy of impacted third molars, canines, mesiodents, and supernumeraries.
Discusses sterilization, theater decorum, details of antibiotics, and all that should be done to avoid infection along with emergencies, allergic mani¬festa¬tions, anaphylactic reactions, etc.
The tortuous operational technicalities are explained in a very easy way with the help of photographs/figures and video films. The accompanying audio-video DVD explains even the minutest technical details with the help of movie clippings of various procedures including extractions, impactions and other surgical procedures.