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Alternative Therapies for Medical Professionals

Vishnu Vigneshvaran

364 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This book will be a "one stop shop for all sciences in the field of alternative therapy" providing easy and reliable information for any practitioner in the field of naturopathy, by integrating various sciences in alternative therapy under one roof. It discusses basic alternative therapies about standard procedures employed in naturopathy which includes 18 different types of Pranayamas, the intricacies of various forms of Acupuncture, Heliotherapy, Mud Therapy, Ooze Therapy, 116 different oils for Aromatherapy, Chromotherapy with detailed explanation for Chromo diagnosis, Hydrotherapy, Magnetotherapy, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, step-by-step procedures to Shiatsu, Fasting Therapy, Diet therapy for obesity and hypertension, Juice Therapy and Gem Therapy featuring mode of application of Gems and its effects, Dance Therapy with emphasis on its physiological aspects, etc. It is the first book to write about music therapy, leaf therapy and Reiki with physiological effects of aura. Another salient feature of the book is the introduction of Neviya yoga (yoga of universal love) for therapeutic and holistic intervention for shaping the personality of an individual.
The section on advanced therapies includes an introduction to latest trends in alternative therapies which covers Craniosacral Therapy, Myotherapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Hippotherapy, Rolfing, Pilates, Prolotherapy, Sclerotherapy, Visceral Manipulation, Mechanical Link, Manual Lymph Drainage, Calisthenics, Muscle Energy Technique, Positional Release Therapy, Tai-Chin Chi Kung, Fasting Therapy, Reflexology, Arial Yoga, Somato Emotional Release, Hydrotherapy, etc.