Essentials of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
KP Neeraja
674 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This two volume set deals with the broadening scope of, " Psychiatric Nursing Practice" and the importance of combination of "Mental Health Nursing" and "Psychiatric Nursing" as a major and broader discipline. Designed to present the contents of varied dimensions comprehensively promoting a sensitive and holistic outlook on Nursing Practice.The main focus of volume 1 is on General Psychiatry, which is essential for psychiatric clinical practice. It consists of ten chapters, which cover basic and introductory concepts of Psychiatry and Mental Health, which help the professionals understand the subject in an easy manner. The second volume focuses on psychiatric disorders in wide ranging manner, like the Definitions, Incidence, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Aetiological Factors, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnostic Features, Management (Medical, Nursing), etc. in respective chapters.