LASIK and LASIK Complications
Roberto Pinelli
184 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Lasik technique has gained popularity and acceptance in the worldwhich confirms its efficacy and safety. Quick recovery absence of pain and
outstanding outcomes are the reasons of the continuous success of lasik treatment.
The experts from the field of refractive surgery share their experience in lasik
techniques and complications they have dealt with during the course of their
practice. There are numerous instructions recorded by experts in their respective
specialty and the nuances of their technique, complicated cases as well as the
detailed medical/surgical approach that led to a successful outcome, are also
presented. It provides tips and equips the reader with medically oriented
information that serves as a "blue print" for the successful operation of a refractive
surgery of a patient.
This book provides insights into the psyche of the refractive surgery patient and
guidelines for proper technical procedures. Describes the procedure of presbyopic
multifocal lasik and how best to provide skills transfer to our peers and juniors.Informs in detail about Presby-Lasik, presbyopia correction with scientific evidence,
for the treatment of emmetropespresbops, myop-pressbyops, and hyperopicpresbyops.
This book serves best who desire to become confident with the surgical
techniques of refractive surgery.