Step by Step: Pediatric Bronchoscopy
Praveen Khilnani
200 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
This practical step by step text has been written to familiarize readers with the commonly available instruments, indications and widely recommended techniques of FFB in neonatal and pediatric age group. The equipment and its maintenance, sedation and anesthesia, post-procedural care and complications are described. In addition, techniques of use for airway inspection, bronchoalveolar lavage, transbronchial biopsy, foreign body removal and airway stent placement have also been described in a simple language. A chapter on rigid bronchoscopy has also been included for completion sake.Practical use of FFB can only be learned by practice on airway models, anesthetized animals (monkey), and careful observation of the procedure performed on the patients by the expert pediatric bronchoscopist.