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Pink Chimneys

Ardeana Hamlin

296 pages
Islandport Press
Nineteenth-century Bangor, known as the Queen City, is a city of sharp contrasts––from the elegant mansions of Broadway, built from lumber fortunes and bootlegged alcohol money to the poverty-stricken Joppa neighborhood lined with taverns and frequented by desperate men and “fallen women.” To survive, Maude, a headstrong midwife, Fanny, the rags-to-riches housemistress of the infamous Pink Chimneys brothel, and Elizabeth, an orphaned, demure seamstress, must form unlikely alliances and discover the strength to overcome the odds in a culture that tries––and fails––to limit their potentia
Author Bio
Ardeana Hamlin grew up in Bingham, Maine, in the 1950s and 1960s, in the days of the river drives, the veneer mill, and the woods operations. She has always loved writing; Hamlin wrote her first fiction at age 12 and her first poetry at age 16. Over the years, she’s worked a variety of different jobs, including family planning specialist, waitress, babysitter, recreation coordinator, copyeditor, newspaper columnist, and seamstress. Most recently, she was a newspaper journalist for the Bangor Daily News for over half a decade, Hamlin is the author of three novels, Pink Chimneys, A Dream of Paris, and Abbott’s Reach. Her hobbies include knitting, creating fiber art pieces, and gardening. She has lived for forty years in the same neighborhood in Hampden, Maine.