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The Champion

Galactic Football League: Book Five

Scott Sigler

625 pages
Empty Set Entertainment
THE CHAMPION is the fifth book in the Galactic Football League series. Seven centuries in the future, the sport of American football has never been bigger, never been faster, never been more lethal. Trillions of fans from all over the galaxy watch six unique races battle in contests so violent that deaths are part of the stat sheet. Star quarterback Quentin Barnes has led his beloved Ionath Krakens to glory on the gridiron and become the most-recognized individual in history, but it is off the field where his world crumbles around him. Over four seasons with Ionath, he's picked up powerful enemies: one of which drove his sister into the Portath Cloud, a place from which no ship returns. Because his enemies include his team owner— a possessive crime lord who treats players like property—and the ruling government that controls the shipping lanes, Quentin and his friends must hide from the media spotlight as they search for a way to rescue his sister. The GFL series melds star-spanning scifi, brutal crime fiction and intense sports action into a smash-mouth extravaganza unlike anything you've read before.
Author Bio
New York Times best-selling author Scott Sigler is the creator of fifteen novels, six novellas and dozens of short stories. His works are available from Crown Publishing and Del Rey Books.In 2005, Scott built a large online following by releasing his audiobooks as serialized podcasts. A decade later, he still gives his stories away— for free— every Sunday at scottsigler.com. His loyal fans, who named themselves “Junkies,” have downloaded over thirty-five million individual episodes.He has been covered in Time Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Publisher’s Weekly, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Chicago Tribune, io9, Wired, The Huffington Post, Business Week and Fangoria.Scott is the co-founder of Empty Set Entertainment, which publishes his Galactic Football League YA series. He lives in San Diego, CA, with his wee little dog Reesie. They’re both diehard Detroit Lions fans.